Thursday, August 19, 2010

How This EVEN started

Because I never really prefer to share personal things to JUST ANYONE, let alone on the web, i never really appreciated the idea of having a blog.
Yes I kept a few diaries, back when I was 10~~~!!!!!
Seen lots of blogs in my life so far, some awesome ones, lame ones, no-idea-what-they-are-talking-about ones..
Well since my university required me to create a blog, here I am, writing my first entry to this brand new blog.
My name is Lian Yik, surname is Yap. So it is read (in order) Yap Lian Yik. I was born in 9th of July (so I guess you know what my horoscope is by now), in the year of 1991. That makes me 19 years old, how time flies~~
Currently pursuing my degree in Curtin University of Technology, the Subang Campus. I am still in Malaysia ;-)
I have not set any REASONABLE career goals yet, but hopefully I would set one. I mean, we all have some crazy goals we wish to accomplish, but thinking that it's probably not worth talking or even mentioning about.
That's all for my first entry.
Ciao :-)