Sunday, August 14, 2011

All things would come to an end

好的事情 最後一定結束..
All good things must come to an end~~ if this is applicable to bad things, then bad things eventually would come to an end too right?? :-D
What started out as a dull and one-heck-of-a-busy week, ended much better than I would have expected at the start of the week....
Mostly is due to my dad, he brought from China, five, FIVE!!!! football jerseys, for me.. would upload the pics soon :-) arsenal, man u, chelsea, and 2 liverpool jersey.. they are all kinda big for me.. 2XL and 3XL @.@ but I still appreciate 'em :-)
Then just yesterday, he bought a pair of basketball sneakers for me... what more can I ask??!! (again, would upload the pics soon)

Friday was a productive day, the day my dad brought home the jerseys, and also I got to chat with HER  quite a decent amount of duration. Felt like it was a long time ago since I texted with her. Of course I didnt tell her directly, can't afford to let her know I wanted her so badly right?? Still gotta hold some feelings back..

The only stain in this weekend is that, I thought of asking her to SKYPE yesterday nighte, but when I texted her in the afternoon, she was studying. I then went on to watch football matches (THE BPL is BAK!!!!!) 'till I forgot what time it was. By the time I realised it was too late, it was already heading into 12 midnight, so I abandoned the idea of texting her again. Today, she told me she was waiting for me to log on to skype, but she didn't tell me.. how would i know?? =.= Big opportunity lost!!!!!

Time to sign off now, getting late, and I'm texting with her RIGHT NOW!!! :-D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

another random day of the four months I have to endure!!!!!

I think I am the only one among my classmates who is SOOOOOOO free to write a blog right now~~ everybody is so busy with ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS (I put blue because it makes me feel the monday blues every single day of the week >.<). Logged on to facebook just now and none of my classmates are logged on =.= But I still can't resist the urge to come here and write something..... something about her...

I didnt wish her good morning today, that's a start.... It's not accidental like my alarm didn't work or my sleeping instincts took over. I just did not do it!! Yea, big deal right?? Everybody would just get on with their life, she would just go to school like any other day, although I have to admit that I secretly hoped she wished me instead haha!!!! (DREAM ON~~~~ Mr!!!!!!)

Tomorrow is Thursday, the day that, ever since I got my timetable for this semester, I really look forward to every week. 'Cuz coincidentally she has her tuition today at 5 but gotta come to the centre an hour earlier cuz she was sitting someone else's car. Then the idea of accompanying her every week for that hour sprung to my mind, 'till now, I still don't know whether it was a good idea or not *confused*. 

At the moment, I really wanna text her and ask whether I could come tomorrow for the hour, but either for the fear of getting rejected (like last week) or for fear that I don't have time to finish my assignment, I don't have the balls (that's right people.. I, as a man, am saying I don't have the balls to do something) to reach for my phone. I am constantly thinking that she would brand me as a "fly", annoying and refusing to go away. Really, for the past week or so, I'm the one who keeps finding her and I'm the one who's constantly thinking of topics to get to her, instead of ideas for my assignments. Just now, it was raining, I text her to take care of herself and don't get caught by the rain, she replied "En en.. Kay ^^" kinda cold isn't it?? >.< Ahhh~~~ that's what you expect from a student trying to get good results from SPM I s'pose?? She got 95 for modern maths in one of those district trial paper, really happy for her :-)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hope, Pray, Dream, that you would understand~~

Consider this my 2nd post and many more to come!!!
Where to start?? It was about last year that i created this blog.. and didnt think fast forward a year, that i would actually come back to write something else here... now on towards my topic!!

OK its official.. I AM crazy about her!!! She just cant escape my mind, or rather my mind doesnt seem to give it a rest about her~ whichever way it is, I am really sick and tired of guessing whether is this happening or is that happening..

Yea sure it's her most crucial period in her 17 years of living in this world, she's gonna have her spm but the change is too radical isn't it??  I mean could one change so radically within a week?? There we were, chatting away happily on skype, with neither of us wanting to let each other off that early, even though it was already 12xx midnite!! now~~ fast forward a week, she doesnt seem to mind whether I would find her or not *big deal*!!! >.<

Acknowledgement~~~ just a little acknowledgement would mean the world to me... one simple wish, be it morning or night, would let me know that, alrite even if you are bz preparing for spm, I am, occasioanally, still on your mind~~~ but not one!!! as people like to say 半個都沒有!!  

Maybe I'm just thinking too much?? Then when was it that I started to think too much??!!! Right from the start.. when she just treated me as a normal friend, and that she does all that she did to me to every one of her friends?? Or..... *giving the benefit of doubt to me* she has the same mutual feeling I have for her and that she just temporarily wants to concentrate on her studies?? But PLEASE... Dont ignore my existence like that, dont wait for me to ALWAYS make the move.. Like I said, one message will do, it doesnt take too long to test a message right?? :-D

Haizzzzzzz~~~~ I'm even starting to think that sending morning messages to you is just like an act of reminding you that I exist >.< Of course, I dont mean that, its just that.... albeit the busy life we are having, it is those small little things that keep the feeling flowing~~ just hope you understand :-)